Electrical Power Systems By C L Wadhwa

Electrical Power Systems together with Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy by the same author cover almost six to seven courses offered by various universities under Electrical and Electronics Engineering curriculum. Also, this combination has proved highly successful for writing competitive examinations viz. UPSC, NTPC, National Power Grid, NHPC, etc.

In a clear and systematic manner, this book presents an exhaustive exposition of the various dimensions of electrical power systems. Both basic and advanced topics have been thoroughly explained and illustrated through solved examples.
Salient Features
Fundamentals of power systems, line constant calculations and performance of overhead lines have been discussed.
Mechanical design of lines, HVDC lines, Corona, Insulators and Insulated cables have been explained.
Voltage control, Neutral grounding and Transients in power systems explained.
Fault calculation, Protective relays including Digital relays and Circuit breakers discussed in that order.
Power systems synchronous stability and Voltage stability explained.
Insulation coordination and overvoltage protection explained.
Modern topics like Load flows, Economic load dispatch, Load frequency control and compensation in power system nicely developed and explained using Flow Charts wherever required.
Zbus formulation, Power transformers and Synchronous machines as power system elements highlighted.
Large number of solved examples, practice problems and multiple choice questions included. Answers to problems and multiple choice questions provided.
State Estimation of Power System under steady state conditions exhaustively covered.
Unit commitment aspects of economic load scheduling discussed in detail.
Economic scheduling of Hydro-thermal plants explained and the general problem of Optimal power flows discussed nicely.
With all these features, this is an invaluable textbook for undergraduate electrical engineering students of Indian and foreign universities. AMIE, GATE, all competitive examination candidates and practicing engineers would also find this book very useful.

Power Systems By C L Wadhwa

Modern Power System Analysis By Nagrath and Kothari

Book Description:
In simple language, the book provides a modern introduction to power system operation, control and analysis. Key features New chapters added on Power System Security State Estimation Power System Compensation including SVS and FACTS Load Forecasting Voltage Stability New appendices on: MATLAB and SIMULINK demonstrating their use in problem solving. Real time computer control of power systems.

Industrial Power Engineering Handbook (Newnes Power Engineering Series) by K C Agrawal

Industrial Power Engineering Handbook (Newnes Power Engineering Series) is a book that has been authored by K C Agarwal. The book extensively covers relevant concepts in a single volume. This work has five parts and is of a great value for technicians, students, engineers, equipment manufacturers and designers.
This book covers topics like Static Controls of Electric Motors, Static Drives, Soft Starting, Speed Control of Electric Motors, Wind Mills, Fluid Coupling, Effluent treatment, Generators, Electrostatic Painting, Painting procedures, Instrument Transformers, Liquid Painting, CTs, Core Balanced CTs, Current Transformers, VTs, Earthquake Engineering, Voltage Transformers, Seismic Effects and Seismic Testing.
This book is divided into 5 distinct parts and is a comprehensive guide for concepts related to electrical power engineering. It has an extensive coverage of subjects that are related to the power engineering. This book also serves as a reference for power transfer and distribution, power drives and controls, protection, reactive controls and maintenance and testing electrical engineering.

Reactive Power Control In Electric Systems By T.J.E.Miller

· Theory of Load Compensation. · Theory of Steady-State Reactive Power Control in Electric Transmission Systems. · Reactive Power Compensation and the Dynamic Performance of Transmission Systems. · Principles of Static Compensators. · Design of Thyristor Controllers. · An Example of a Modern Static Compensator. · Series Capacitors. · Synchronous Condensers. · Reactive Compensation and the Electric Arc Furnace. · Harmonics. · Reactive Power Coordination. Selected Bibliography. Index.

High Voltage Direct Current Transmission By Jos Arrillaga

Since the first edition of this book in 1983, HVDC technology has continued to develop and few power systems can now escape its influence. Fully revised, updated and expanded, this second edition builds on its predecessor's coverage of HVDC systems and describes the variety of reasons justifying the use of DC transmission as well as the basic concepts and techniques involved in the AC-DC and DC-AC conversion processes. Updates include the main technical advances of the past 15 years, such as improvements in the ratings and reliability of thyristor valves and other semiconductor devices, more controllable solid state devices, cost reduction techniques and discussion of the widening applications of DC that continue to make HVDC a competitive technology.

Power Electronics By Dr.P.S.Bimbhra Ebook

The book begins with the study of salient features of power diodes, power transistors, MOS- controlled thyristors and also other related topics. Each chapter begins at an introductory level and is so developed progressively that an average student can comprehend the subject matter easily. The topics covered in this volume include diode circuits and rectifiers, phase-controlled rectifiers, inverters, a.c. voltage controllers, etc. A large number of illustrative figures and a wide variety of worked examples add to the clarity of presentation.

Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation By Simon Haykin

This book presents the first comprehensive treatment of neural networks from an engineering perspective. Thorough, well-organized, and completely up-to-date, it examines all the important aspects of this emerging technology.
Published by Pearson, 1997
ISBN 10: 0139083855 / ISBN 13: 9780139083853

Fundamentals Of Power System Protection PAITHANKAR, Y. G., BHIDE, S. R.

  • Publisher: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd (August 15, 2004)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 8120321944
The electrical power system is a highly complex dynamic entity. One malfunction or a careless set relay can jeopardize the entire grid. Power system protection as a subject offers all the elements of intrigue, drama, and suspense while handling fault conditions in real life

Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control by Jan Machowski

This book is the fully revised and updated second edition of Power System Dynamics and Stability published in 1997. The modified title Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control reflects a slight shift in focus from solely describing power system dynamics to the means of dealing with them. The book has been expanded by about a third to include:
  • a new chapter on wind power generation;
  • a new section on wide-area measurement systems (WAMS) and their application for real-time control;
  • an overview of lessons learned from wide-spread blackouts affecting North America and Europe in 2003, 2004 and 2006;
  • enhanced treatment of voltage stability and control, and frequency stability and control;
  • application of Lyapunov direct method to analyse and enhance stability of multi-machine power systems ;
  • expanded coverage of steady-state stability using eigenvalue analysis, including modal analysis of dynamic equivalents.
The book continues the successful approach of the first edition by progressing from simplicity to complexity. It places the emphasis first on understanding the underlying physical principles before proceeding to more complex models and algorithms. The reader will appreciate the authors’ accessible approach as the book is illustrated by over 400 diagrams and a large number of examples.
Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control, Second Edition is an essential resource for graduates of electrical engineering. It is also a clear and comprehensive reference text for undergraduate students, and for practising engineers and researchers who are working in electricity companies or in the development of power system technologies.
  • Pages: 658
  • Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (December 3, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0470725583
  • ISBN-13: 978-0470725580
  • Size : 9MB